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spydr mask
Environmental Issues + Solidworks exploration

1 in 3 people in America have asthma according to the CDC and it on a steep rise. 3 million deaths every year as a result of exposure to ambient (outdoor) air pollution. 92%  of the world's population lives in places where air quality exceeds World Health Organization guideline limits.


Increases in pollution hinder athletic performance. Since an athlete is breathing and taking in more air particles via exercising per minute, this results in the particulate matter being deposited in one's lungs by six to ten times over. The Sypdr training mask can play a position in which it can serve the athlete to be the best versions of themselves. 


The Spydr:
    •Increases stamina
    •Reduces pollution intake
    •Enhances endurance
    •Boosts VO2 max

181112 AllysonFelix_edited.jpg
ideation + Refinement
200126 Doty_Concept Mask Design.jpg
Filter iterations.png
Spydr sketches 01-24-2020 20-43-45-2.png
Spydr sketches 01-24-2020 20-43-45-2.png
Spydr sketches 01-24-2020 20-43-45-1.png
200124 Side profile.png
180319 Front View.jpg
180319 Side View.jpg
180319 Full Head Render.jpg
Adjustable Nylon Strap
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