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How can I work against modern-day conveniences?

BellRunner challenges the modern-day conveniences of using technology and or digital coaches. Employing the use of sound BellRunner provides an athlete with a natural pace-setting tool that makes the user more mindful of their body and mental health while running.  


To experiment, I placed a number of small bells on my shoes in different locations. Through testing, I discovered there was a meditative state one gets in while having a consistent noise. The results showed I was anticipating the next sound which kept me aware of my pace. Being mindful my the body while running was most apparent with the BellRunner. 




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Sound Research + Results
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Testing only one bell on each shoe to determine if consistency helped with distance.
With each step, there was anticipation for the next sound which helped my concentration.
Applying a series of bells on the shoe to produce a louder sound for sprinting.
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3d printed iterations
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3D Model
Final Bell Design
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Attaches at the shoe lace
The shape of the BellRunner was derived from the natural forward motion while running which reminds one to keep going.
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